				WooCommerce Properties & Colors
		WooCommerce Properties & Product colors  is a plugin that makes it easy to create colors as WooCommerce product properties for sorting and showing products.     The plugin introduces a new product property, a color picker that enables you to chose colors on properties. This…


WooCommerce Properties & Colors

WooCommerce Properties & Product colors  is a plugin that makes it easy to create colors as WooCommerce product properties for sorting and showing products.     The plugin introduces a new product property, a color picker that enables you to chose colors on properties. This…

WooCommerce Properties & Product colors  is a plugin that makes it easy to create colors as WooCommerce product properties for sorting and showing products.



The plugin introduces a new product property, a color picker that enables you to chose colors on properties. This gives you the opportunity to offer a more welcoming and obvious way to present and sort by colors. You can use this plugin with all the standard WooCommerce product types that uses properties.


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