With our WooCommerce automatic customer login via MailChimp campaigns your WooCommerce clients can be logged in to their account on your webshop – when they interact with content in your campaign.
The idea behind this plugin is to minimize the loss of conversions by suppling an easy-to-use method for the clients to log in and apply offers when you send out newsletters campaigns.
Automatic customer login from MailChimp campaigns via URLs
By letting your customers login via your email campaigns they don’t need to remember their account credentials or typing their address once more.
This plugin is also very useful in order to get clients back to your store if they haven’t been shopping for a while or maybe just purchased a certain product which you wan to distribute additional accessories for. (requires WooCommerce e-commerce integration which can sync your products, læs mere).
Automatically apply coupons via URLs
We have made it really easy for you to login the client and also apply a coupon when he visits your website. This is great for email campaigns because you don’t have to set official prices down but you can allow certain persons certain offers.
This all happens just with a click in the received email.
Installation / Setup
To get started you need to buy, install and activate the plugin for your WordPress dashboard.
Go to MailChimp and find API Key to your account and List/Audience ID for the audience that you wish to sync with.
Hereafter you need to create a textfield in MailChimp on the desired audience/list which can hold the “token” we need to auto-login the users. Remember to type down the name of the field e.g. “*|MERGE4|* which MailChimp names your new field. This name is used in the last step.
Go to WooCommerce settings and find the tab for “MailChimp Token Login” and insert the API key and list/audience id and click “Sync users”.
The setup is now done and you can apply the following URLs in your MailChimp campaigns (change rommel.dk with your own domain):
- Auto-login user:
https://rommel.dk/?a_login=*|MERGE4|* - Auto-login user & apply coupon:
https://rommel.dk/?a_login=*0*&wc_coupon=sale - Apply coupon:
https://rommel.dk/?wc_coupon=sale - Auto-login user, Apply coupon & Redirect to my account:
https://rommel.dk/min-konto/?a_login=*|MERGE4|*&wc_coupon=sale - Apply coupon on WooCommerce subscriptions & Auto-login user:
Installation requirements
You need to make sure that the following requirements are in place before purchasing the plugin.
- Requires an active MailChimp account on MailChimp.com.
- WordPress 4.9.x or newer.
- WooCommerce 3.2.x or newer.
- PHP cURL activated in the server.
Plugin does not
This plugin is not a full integration with MailChimp and only handles syncing of the user token and apply coupon logic. It will only apply the token if the email exists in the shop and on the audience list id in MailChimp.
MailChimp 365 / Suite
If you need additional syncing of data between WooCommerce and MailChimp e.g. customer data, products or orders then take a look of one of these plugins:
Plugin (roadmap)
Everything starts somewhere – where do you think we should take the development? New features? – Send us your feedback or feature requests on support@rommel.dk.